How a lot of occasions have you attempted to prepare a recipe you’d called up on your tablet screen from a digital cookbook or cooking site on the web, and continuously had to tilt the screen up toward you with hands covered in grease, guts or oven mitts? As useful as technology can be with domestic matters like meal preparation, at times the devil’s in the specifics, and in this case, the particulars are the accessories. Take the bamboo tablet stand, for example: aesthetically pleasing, environmentally conscious and designed with comfort in mind, it tilts your tablet at the excellent angle for you to glance more than at your recipe from across the kitchen to make positive you’re receiving a measurement appropriate or adding an ingredient at the suitable time. Easily washable with soap and water and preservable for the long-term with mineral oil, this 1.5-lb helper stands tall enough to help a common tablet and is adjustable to 4 diverse levels. It even consists of a little notch just wide enough for a power port connection so your iPad, Kindle or other device doesn’t have to lose power although you’re employing it as your sous chef. Usable, clearly, for any quantity of things from reading in bed to watching a movie at your desk whilst writing notes or consuming lunch, this facile, clever tool tends to make life effortless in all sorts of conditions. Now, if that isn’t some thing to stand for, we don’t know what is.

Photo credits: Chefs Catalog
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